I know I mentioned the 23 book shops, but did I also mention there were
antique shops? Yes there were. So many places to potter around, so little time.
Things were pretty laid back in Hay and most shops didn’t open until
10:00 or 11:00am so it gave us plenty of time to be lazy and have a bit of a
lie in (as long as my back would allow it) and then lie about on the sofa
reading until closer to the opening times which was fine with me. Holidays are
made for lying about with a book in your hand.
We went to between one and three shops each morning and then home for a
spot of lunch and then back out to a few more shops. Perfect day. Some shops
were tiny, but most were *massive*--like the TARDIS--much bigger looking on the
inside. They just went on…and on…and on…each time you thought you were finished
there was another room full of books.
The shops were also bloody freezing the further back you got. The front
room often had windows and a bit of sun warmed the room up. The owner would sit
by the window with a 3 bar electric fire and keep themselves toasty whilst the
customer would trudge deeper into Antarctica looking at books. I didn’t mind
really--we were both bundled up with thermals and coats and hats and gloves so
you only felt the chill when you had to take off your gloves to thumb through a
Even though we set ourselves limits we still came back with a suitcase
full of books. In the past, we would buy any thing that struck our fancy but
space is more precious here and we really only buy books that are worth keeping
and re-looking at. We have categories of books that are of interest to us and
for the most part we stuck to it. These categories include:
Children’s lit/illustrated books
Fairy tales
Vegan/animal rights
We did allow for some cheap, disposable holiday reads for fun--a few
mysteries and a cheap paperback of The Christian Way to Raise Your Children
(that’s not the actual title--but it was something like that) that I got for
50p. I bought it mostly so I could tut and I did a lot of tutting, particularly
in the chapter on discipline which recommended beating your child with a wooden
implement--you could choose something as low key as a wooden spoon they
recommended a wooden paddle inscribed with To (child’s name) with love so
that every time you beat your child they would know you were doing it out of
love. Also if your child showed anger
after a beating, you were to beat them again straight away and tell them this
beating was because they were angry and then
you could lovingly embrace them.
I did so much tutting in the chapter I sounded like a pigeon in tap
shoes. Tk tk tk tk tk. In the end I said I wouldn’t wipe my arse with it and
wouldn’t want anyone else to read it and think all Christians were child
abusing nut jobs so we recycled it rather than put it back in circulation.
So which shops did we go to? Well…the first place we went was one
called Rose’s Books and
specialised in rare and out of print children’s illustrated books. Yeah…we
spent most of our money here.

This shop was full of wonderful illustrated books--it had a whole room
on fairy tales and legends. We ended up with a rare copy of a Fairy Tales,
retold and illustrated by BB (the pen name of Denys Watkins Pitchford)
and a total of three (count ‘em three) different illustrated version of Anderson’s
Fairy Tales--which all included lesser know stories like my favourite The
Shirt Collar (about a collar who fancies himself a ladies man and is always
flirting with the other household objects. For example he tells the scissors
that she must be a prima ballerina on account of the way she can spread her
legs. When she rejects him he proposes to the comb--who at least still has all
her own teeth.) and also the Darning Needle who gets eyes above her
station and tells everyone she was actually a broach pin. Anyway we got
illustrated books by Edward Ardizzone, Kay Nielson and Chris Riddell.
Kay |Nielson's Steadfast Tin Soldier |
We also got a signed copy of Betsy Byars The Pinballs (illustrated
by Shirley Hughes--the next time she’s at the Illustration Cupboard we’ll get
her to sign it as well.) This was a
favourite book of my childhood about 3 children in a foster home--I spent many
hours as a child pretending to be a sad orphan so I was pleased to have a
signed copy. It is a wee bit dated (they watch Tony Orlando and Dawn on the
telly) but I still loved it.
Lastly, we managed to score a really old fashioned illustrated abridged Wizard
of Oz from the 1950s which was clearly influenced by the original WW
Denslow illustrations but there were some changes as well.
Another shop we spent quite a bit time in was this one. Murder and
Mayhem. Just what it says on the sign. A shop filed with mystery and horror
books. Outside had a silhouette of the Hound of the Baskervilles and inside had
a chalk outline of a dead body on the floor. What fun. I picked up a few easy
reads like a Daisy Dalrymple mystery set in the 1920s which reads like
PG Wodehouse’s Jeeves and Wooster if they were amateur detectives. A cracking
bit of fluff I read and left behind for someone else to enjoy.
More shops this way..
..and that.

We also picked up an interesting book on the Victorian language of
flowers as exhibited in Pre-Raphaelite paintings. This is a complicated language
and the Pre-Raphs were sticklers for every detail. You will never just find
some generic flowers and a wash of green to represent grass. No ,no, no, no,
no, no. Every blade of grass will be rendered individually and each flower have
specific meaning. I also found a fascinated books called Tell Me, Pretty Maiden about nudity in
Victorian and Edwardian times. There were many chapters on the Pre-Raphs who
used nudity in their artwork--particularly in painting classical scenes where
you might be wearing a toga. I also have a small collection of Victorian
erotica and this compliments that nicely. As I am a hairy fairy (I don’t shave
my legs or under my arms) neither did many Victorian women even thought they
were rendered hairless in classical art, but not in my erotic photos. The most
famous patron of the Pre-Raphs John Ruskin was so disgusted by the body hair on
his wife because she did not look like the statues he had seen he refused to
consummate their marriage and she eventually divorced him and married the
painter John Millais. Spiderman and I have a theory about Victorian art--the
test on whether something is art or pornography. One breast--art--both breasts
porn. It doesn’t always work--but you’d be surprised how much this works for
Victorian paintings.

The castle was lovely and lots of interesting shops around it as well as
a whole slew of books that were £1 hardback, 50p paperback and an honesty box.
There were out in all weathers under a small roof and so some were not in good
shape but hey--for that price it didn’t matter. They made good fluff reading.
We saw what seemed to be the entire collection of the works of PD James…in
French. Go figure.
I found a friendly brightly coloured book of Nursery Rhymes for a little guy I know who has a birthday coming
up. Then at another bookshops they were giving away a free board book with
every purchase so Spiderman and I were sneaky and queued separately and got 2
more toddler friendly books for my little friend. Happy birthday Pavel!
We also bought a good book about spiders and I got The Pig
That Sang To The Moon--the emotional life of farm animals which is
fascinating--it is a real study of the complex array of emotions and behaviours
that animals have. I cannot see how anyone who read this could eat another
sentient being with feelings and
emotions. I rejected a very interesting book about women and theology--helping
to make your church more gender inclusive--because I am in a denomination that
is gender equal. Quakers believe everyone--male, female, black white, straight,
gay, transgender--are equal and always have. I feel lucky to be part of such a wonderful
worshiping tradition.
Lastly, this was not a bookshop but I just loved the pun on the sign.
Because after a day nosing around bookshops, I was!
Stay tuned tomorrow for the Sunday nature outing!