Hello and welcome to Fairy Tale Friday. Are you
sitting comfortably? Good. Then I’ll begin.
This week I want to continue looking at variations on
Little Red Riding Hood from other cultures or countries. This is another version from China. Last week was a digression away from the traditional wolf into leopard, but now we are back to the familiar character of a wolf.
I cannot find any information as to how old this tale
really is. We can be certain that it was told orally many hundreds of years
ago, but the version that I found in print was published in The Water-Buffalo and the Tiger. Folk Tales
from China (Second series) in 1980 with illustrations by Mi Gu.
In this version, it is not one but three siblings who
outsmart the wolf that is posing as their grandmother. It bears some resemblance
to the 14th century French version due to the excuse to relieve
oneself plays a part in their escape. Also, we don’t have the traditional “what
big somethings you have” and “the better to whatever you with, my dear” refrains
of European versions, but you do get some questions and answers about Grannie's unusual body parts. For example, the Grandmother Wolf sit on a basket to
hide her tail while pretending she has a boil on her bottom and can’t sit on a
chair. Later when they are all in bed (again, shades of the 14th
century version) the wolf claims that the bushy tail they can feel is a bit of
jute rope she has brought with her and her claws are an awl she has brought for making shoes.
I like this version because the children outsmart the
wolf on their own and are not shamed into compliance by a heavy-handed moral as
in European versions.
Ginkgo nut tree |
Once upon a time there lived a woman with three children. One day, as it was
grandmother's birthday, the mother went back to see her, leaving the three
children at home.
"Sheng, Dou, Boji, my sweet babies," she said to
them before she left, "now mind you're good while I'm away. Be sure to
shut the door and latch it tight when the sun goes down. Mama won't be back
No sooner had the mother left than an old wolf who lived
in the mountains heard the news.
When dusk fell, this old wolf, disguised as an old woman,
came to their house. "Rap, rap!..." she knocked at the door.
"Who's there?" asked Sheng.
"Sheng, Dou, Boji, my little darlings, it's your
"Oh, grannie," said Sheng, "mama has gone
to see you."
"To see me? Well, I must have come one way while she
went another," said the wolf. "I never met her."
"Grannie," asked Sheng, "why do you come at
this hour, so late at night? Why didn't you come earlier?"
"The way is long but the day is short. By the time I
got here, it was already dark," the wolf replied.
Sheng suspected something from the voice. It did not sound
like her grandmother's, so she said: "Grannie, grannie, why is your voice
different today?"
"Grannie's got a cold. My nose is stuffed up and I
can't speak properly!" answered the wolf, going on cunningly. "Dear
children, it is dark and windy out here. Open the door quickly and let grannie
Sheng was still suspicious and wanted to ask more first,
but Dou and Boji were impatient. One released the hatch and the other opened
the door wide. "Grannie, grannie, come in!" they shouted.
As soon as the wolf stepped into the house she blew the
light out.
"Grannie, we need the light in the room! Why did you
blow it out?" asked Sheng.
"Grannie's eyes are sore, I cannot bear the
light," replied the old wolf.
Sheng felt for the bench and pulled it forward for her
grandmother to sit on.
As she flung herself down on the bench, the wolf hurt her tail
and cried out with pain.
"What is the matter, grannie?" asked Sheng.
"Grannie's got a nasty boil, dearie. I think I'll be
better sitting on this basket," answered grannie, sitting down again as
she spoke. Her tail hung down inside and knocked the sides.
"Grannie, what is that noise in the basket?"
asked Sheng.
"That's a hen grannie brought you," was the
Sheng stretched out her arm to catch the hen but the old
wolf hurriedly stopped her, saying: "Don't touch it or it'll fly away
across the river."
Dou and Boji went to the wolf, and wanted her to pick them
"What a nice child! So plump and fat," said the
old wolf, stroking Dou. "And what a sweet baby you are, Boji, so pretty
and healthy." She put her front paws around Boji and said, "Dear
child, grannie loves you! Grannie's going to take you into her bed
tonight!" She pretended to yawn and said: "All the chickens are in
their coops and the sleepworm is in my head. Come on, my dear children, bed
The wolf took Boji with her, and Sheng took Dou. The wolf
and Boji slept at the one end of the bed, and Sheng and Dou slept at the other.
Sheng put her legs out straight and felt a big fluffy tail
with her toes.
"Grannie, grannie, whatever's that fluffy thing on
you?" she cried.
"Grannie makes jute rope, you know," answered
the wolf. "I brought along a bunch of jute with me."
As Sheng moved her arm, she touched the sharp claws on
'grandmother's' feet.
"Grannie, grannie, whatever makes your feet so
"Grannie sews shoes, and always carries an awl with
Sheng lit the light and saw that 'grannie' had hair all
over her head and face. Frightened at the light, the wolf hurried to blow it
out. Sheng thought of a way to escape, and quickly sat
up, holding Boji.
"Ah," she said, "Boji wants to wee-wee!"
"Let her do it under the bed," said the wolf.
"She can't! There is the God of the Bed under
there," said Sheng.
"Let her do it by the window then," said the
"There is the Window God there," answered Sheng.
"Behind the door, then," said the wolf.
"There's the Door God there," was the reply.
"Go out to the kitchen!" said the wolf.
"There's the Kitchen God," said Sheng.
"Take her outside then," said the wolf.
"Dou, Dou," yelled Sheng, "take Boji out,
she's got to go."
So Dou took Boji out.
"Grannie, grannie," said Sheng, "have you
ever eaten gingko nuts?"
"What's gingko?"
"Oh, it is wonderful! It is as soft and tender as a
baby's skin and if you take but one piece you will become a fairy and live
"Does it taste better than human flesh?" asked
the wolf.
"Yes, much better."
"Do you know where you can get it then?" asked
the wolf.
"Oh yes, it grows on trees," said Sheng.
"Oh dear! Grannie is old, and her bones are stiff!
She can't climb trees," said the wolf with a sigh.
"Dear grannie, I'll pluck some for you."
"That's my sweet child!" said the wolf, very
pleased. "Get me some as quick as you can!"
Sheng jumped out of bed and ran out to find Dou and Boji.
She told them about her plan, and the three of them climbed up a big tree.
Back in bed, the wolf waited and waited. Boji did not
return, nor did Sheng and Dou, and no one brought her any gingko. She lost
patience, got up and ran out, shouting: "Sheng, Dou, Boji! Where are
"We're up here on the tree, eating gingko nuts,
grannie!" said Sheng.
"Get some for me, my dear child!" demanded the
"Grannie," said Sheng, "gingko is a fairy
fruit. It changes when it leaves the tree. You will have to get up here, or
else give up any thought of eating it."
"Oh, grannie," called Dou, "this gingklo is
The wolf paced backwards and
forwards under the tree, her mouth watering. There was a pause and then Sheng
said, "Grannie, grannie, I have an idea. There is a wicker-basket by the
doorstep, and a piece of rope behind it. Tie the rope on the basket, bring it
over here, and then you can sit in it and throw the other end of the rope up to
me. We'll pull you up here."
"Good child! That's a fine idea!" said the wolf,
cheering up, and going over to get the basket and the rope.
She threw the rope up to Sheng, and Sheng began to pull
her up. Half way up, she let go, and down fell the wolf, getting a bad shaking.
"Oh!" cried Sheng, pretending to be sorry.
"I'm not very big, nor very strong. Poor grannie! You must be badly
"Grannie," said Dou, "let's try again. This
time I'll help sister to pull."
The wolf had only one thought: she wanted the gingko, so
she got back into the basket again and Sheng and Dou pulled on the rope
together. They pulled the basket up higher this time before they let go of the
rope. Down it went again with a heavy thud. This time the wolf broke one of her
legs and hit her head. She was very angry, and began to swear terribly.
"Don't be so upset, grannie!" begged Sheng.
"One gingko nut will make you quite well again,"
said Dou.
"I'll help my sisters to pull!" put in Boji.
"This time we'll be sure not to fail," said
With a terrible curse, the wolf threw herself into the
basket again. "Be careful, be careful!" she howled. "I'll make
you sorry! I'll bite your heads off, one by one."
The children all held the rope and pulled for all they
were worth. "Hai-yo, hai-yo," they sang as they hauled. Up went the
basket...higher than the first time...higher than the second time...and still
higher, until it was thirty feet from the ground. Stretching out her front
paws, the wolf could almost reach the branches of the tree.
It was just then that Sheng gave a cough. They all three
let go together, and the basket crashed down. The wolf's skull was broken and
her stomach split open.
"Grannie!" called Sheng. There was no answer.
"Grannie!" called Dou. Still no answer.
"Grannie!" called
Boji. No answer. The children all climbed over to have a good look at the wolf.
She was quite dead.
They scrambled down the tree happily, went in and shut the
door, latched it tight and went to sleep in peace.
The next day their mother returned. She brought back lots
of nice things for them to eat from their real grannie.
As they sat enjoying the sweetmeats, they told their
mother all about their adventure.
Stay tuned next week as we look at a second version of
this same tale, beautifully illustrated and retold by Ed Young.