Wednesday 19 February 2020

What We Ate Wednesday--Savoury Cheesy Snackles

Hello lovelies! Regular readers will notice that I skipped last week's post. We had just come back from the epic holiday and we hadn't eaten anything new or worth blogging about so I felt there was nothing to say.

This week I want to share a savoury snack recipe. Whether you call them bliss balls, energy balls or whatever new, hip term there is out there--balls are all the rage. I love me some ball shaped snacks. They are portion sized and travel well. You only need one or two to feel like you have gotten a treat. Plus, I just laugh every time I say the word balls because I am secretly a twelve year old boy inside a fifty year old woman.

Mostly they are sweet because they rely on dates to hold them together. But every now and again I like to try to make a savoury one. This one has sunflower and pumpkin seeds and the glue that holds it together is tahini (sesame seed paste). It also is rolled in a cheesy powder that reminded me of Dorito Dust but without boatloads of salt and MSG.

It makes a nice change from the sweet ones. I crumbled two on a salad and it was delicious.

Savoury Cheesy Snackles
1/2 cup (GF) oats
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
pinch of salt (optional)
3 TB tahini
2 TB Dorito Dust (see recipe below)
1 TB tamari or soy sauce (optional for an even  more savoury option...or just use water)
1-2 TB water to help it stick together

Dorito Dust
1/4 cup nutritional yeast flakes
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp garlic powder 

1. Mix your Dorito Dust in a container.
2. Throw the oats and seeds and salt in a food processor and pulse until fine crumbs. Add the tahini, tamari/soy sauce (or 1 TB water) and the Dorito Dust and blend until it sticks together well enough to roll into balls. If it seems dry add a bit of water 1 TB at a time and reblend until it is compacted. Don't let it get too wet.
3. Roll into balls and roll in leftover Dorito Dust to have a cheesy outer coating.

These were great for lunches and could handle being bashed about in my lunch bag.

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